Monday, March 31, 2014

Malic Happenings

Here are some more random pictures of our daily life 

Every morning when Blake wakes up his hair looks like this. And yep, that is how I send him to school. He refuses to let us comb it or get it wet so basically he looks insane everyday. I am also not allowed to cut his hair short per Louis......

This boy LOVES to color, paint and use scissors, he is a budding artist

It was finally nice enough outside for us to take a family walk. Blake wore his snow boots (his "John boots" that his friend John gave him from school) and pushed his lawmower. He made me push his red car and then when he got tired he just hopped into his car. 

Finally some pictures when her eyes open :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our Days

Being on maternity leave certainly has its advantages. I get lots of quality time in with Brookie however, at this stage, it sometimes is a little boring. Haha. We spend a lot of our day sleeping, eating, changing diapers and hanging out around the house. I hope once the weather gets nice we can get outside a lot more but until then...relaxed days it is. 

Brooke loves looking at herself on the playmat

How she spends most of the day...sleeping on her Boppy

For those not on Facebook, this past weekend Louis and I went on a day date out to brunch and I had my first alcoholic beverage in over ten months! It was a strawberry orange mimosa and it was delicious. I was definitely feeling it after only a few sips...haha lightweight! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Random Friday Pictures

Here are a few random pictures on this first full day of spring!

Brooke's first headband...I started small because Louis despises headbands on babies. Haha. 

Brooke's favorite daytime activity

We actually have had some "decent" weather and Blake has been able to go outside at daycare. That can only mean one thing-- reunited with his love of the lawnmower!

Yep, both napping at the same time. SO NICE!

Practicing her modeling looks

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Family of Four

I cannot believe Brooke is two weeks old today. Time is going too fast yet it seems like we have had her forever already. Blake is doing a great job being a big brother. He has even started to hold her and feed her by himself for a few minutes. 

Blake had a school project in which he had to bring in a family picture and we realized we didn't have any family of four pictures so this weekend we quickly took a picture. I love how big Blake's smile is!! This spring I am hoping to get some professional pictures so until then, this will do. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blake and Brooke

During my pregnancy I was always really curious to see what Brooke was going to look like. Probably because every single person says that Blake looks exactly like Louis!! (although I still don't think he looks "exactly" like him, haha) When we had our 3D ultrasound, she looked a lot like Blake but clearly a 3D ultrasound isn't the best indicator. Well sure enough when she was born she was basically the girl version of Blake with more hair!! Thank goodness I think Blake is the cutest kid ever so that bodes well for Brooke!

Blake at one week old

Brooke at one week old

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Brooke: 1 week

How the heck is Brooke already one week old? Time sure flies when they are at this stage. We are totally blessed that she is such a great baby. She is a sleeper and nothing really bothers her. She is the perfect little sweet pea! Blake is doing great with her and calls her "cutie". The theme of all of these pictures are "sleeping beauty" because she rarely is awake enough for pictures!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

At Home

We are adjusting to life at home with two kids. It is definitely a challenge but it is also a lot of fun. Sleep is a luxury though!

Brooke's first bath. She wasn't really a fan....

Blake looks sooooo big next to Brooke. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Brooke Elizabeth

Brooke Elizabeth Malic was born on March 4th, 2014 at 11:16am. She was 8lbs 8 oz and 20.5 inches long and a full head of hair. Labor and Delivery were totally different this time around. I was induced as I was already 4 cm dilated. Within three hours I was ready to push and after pushing through one contraction, she arrived. We were all shocked at how big she was, she was 5 oz more than Blake! She is a very content baby, she LOVES her sleep, which we aren't complaining about. Blake is adjusting well to being a big brother and loves to give Brooke kisses and hugs. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Change of Plans

This morning I was supposed to be at the hospital getting induced, but right before we walked out the door the hospital called saying they had too many women in Labor and Delivery and we got bumped to tomorrow. I was livid.... I was all mentally prepared for today to be baby girl's birthday and now I have to wait a day. Darn those women who can go into labor on their own!! Haha. So since I have some down time, I thought I would put some more random Blake pictures on the blog. :)

I have no idea if he was making a scary face or smiling....

Blake has been really really into Mommy lately so we were practicing our selfies during our last weekend as him being an only child :)

Blake and Ella (his original girlfriend)