Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Papa

I went looking for pictures for this post and I found that the only pictures we have lately of my Dad are ones where he is with his shadow aka Blake. Blake loves his Papa!! 

Happy Birthday Dad!!! We love you!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

We have such cute kids

I know all parents think their kids are the cutest, but seriously..... these two just melt my heart. It makes all the crying and tantrums and lack of sleep worth it!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

This past weekend we had a lot of family time in to celebrate Easter. On Friday my Grandma and Aunt Linda, Uncle Steve and Mitchell came to visit. We hung out at our house and ordered pizza. Blake took a bit to warm up but by the end of the night he was running around the basement playing. On Saturday we spent the day at my parents house and had dinner. Blake was LOVING playing tackle football with my Uncle Steve. He is still working on learning how to catch. I definitely slacked on taking pictures with them in town but I did get a few. 

Teaching Blake how to catch

My Grandma and Brooke 

On Sunday we loaded up what felt like half of our house and headed down to Flossmoor for the Malic Easter. The weather was AMAZING!!!  It was a lot of just lounging around and being outside. 

Aunt Colleen and Brooke

Blake got this T-Ball set last Easter and was really enjoying it this year although he needs more practice on not just hitting the pole and just the ball. 

Coloring with Grandad

Colleen and James hid Easter eggs in the yard and helped Blake find them

Blake insisted on carrying this Bunny around while looking for eggs. The Bunny sings an annoying song but Blake loves it and it is hilarious. Luckily, it lives at Grandma's :)

Only decent family picture. We need to have Louis practice holding Brooke better for pictures. Haha. 

Blake wanted to ride in Brooke's stroller and pretend to be a baby :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Roller Coaster Weather

I was naive. I thought that it was actually starting to become spring outside. Last week was great. We spent so much time outside and then yesterday, 1.5 inches of snow. SERIOUSLY???? Poor Blake must have asked 100 times to go to the park and run outside last night. He wants the spring weather back, after having been outside, inside is totally boring to him. 

Brooke falls asleep immediately when we take walks

What a cute little chunky face!!

I know Blake, outside is the best!!!

On Saturday Blake was loving being outside. Since it had rained earlier he was getting really muddy so he decided to strip down on the driveway. The neighbors probably think we are crazy....

Our little strawberry shortcake is wearing 3-6 month onesies.... she is so tall!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Little Man

Ever since Brooke was born Blake has seemed so much bigger to me. Part of me is really sad to see how grown up he already is and the other part of me loves this age. He is so funny and has such a personality. He is still my favorite cuddle buddy. 

Just doing some yoga....

He wanted to take a picture at daycare to send to Mommy and Daddy 

Papa and Grandma Unti got a little bike for Blake that they keep at their house. He is a BIG FAN. He was concentrating on steering so he couldn't look up and smile :)

Playground fun 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Brooke: One Month

How the heck is my baby girl already one month old? Father Time, please slow down!!! Here are some pictures I took of her today, I will take monthly pictures of her just like I did with Blake. I have to keep it even :)

Miss Brooke is a very chill baby. She eats about every 2-3 hours during the day and recently she has been doing a 4-5 hour stretch at night and then another 3 hour stretch. If we time it right we only have to wake up once during the night with her. WOOHOO. Lets keep that up. She is still sleeping in her rock n' play in our room but we plan to move her to her room soon. She loves her playmat and staring at Blake. During tummy time she just falls asleep. She is wearing 3 month clothes although the onesies are getting too short on her....she is a tall girl. She still has most of her hair although it is lightening up a bit. Still looks JUST LIKE BLAKE at this age. 

I love that double chin! (The background of this picture is actually her crib sheet)

I had to post a picture with a big hair bow, just to upset Daddy. :) I do think it looks like she is ready to attend the royal wedding. Too cute!!

 And for comparison, here is Blake at one month....can you say twins?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Malic Happenings Part 2

Here is what has been going on this week in the Malic house

The other morning Blake laid down on the playmat to "play" with Brooke. Too cute!!

Blake has been getting a lot of outside time at school (even though the weather isnt the greatest). He is a big fan!

After she was up from 1am-4am the other night she of course was tired and slept the entire next day. Oh the life of a one month old (yep, tomorrow is officially one month, how the heck did that happen so quick?)