Friday, September 22, 2017

Let's play catch up!

After about 3 days of being apart, Blake, Adelyn and Brady couldn't possibly be apart so we took Blake and Adelyn to the flag football game in Cary and had a mini Goddard reunion. Brady was playing against Mason. And Audrey was cheering. Win win for everyone!!

We of course had to fit in the birthday celebration for Louis and James. 
 The 4 of us go out without kids on average once a year, so we were due. It was a great night!

Over Labor Day weekend we went out on a boat again in Lake Geneva with my family. The weather was a lovely 68 degrees but that didn't stop us!

The water was chilly but actually not that bad once you were in it.

Colleen's birthday is right after J&L's so we headed to the Malic's to celebrate

This picture is perfect in so many ways...... clearly 5 and 3 year olds were quick on the trigger to blow out the candles!!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Blake's First Day of Kindergarten

Time plays evil tricks on you because I swear Blake was just born and yet here my baby boy is now in elementary school. We knew that Goddard had prepped him and he was ready (even though very sad and missing his friends). 

Two days before school started we got to go into his classroom and put his supplies away and meet his teacher. 

Blake's desk spot

His locker (probably his favorite part of the day)

Miss DiVerde, his teacher

On his actual first day of school (Thursday August 24th), Blake woke up to the house decorated to celebrate his big day. 

Blake's required picture holding his first day sign

Daddy and Blake were a little embarrassed I made them stop and take this picture :) 

Walking into school!

After his first day we met up with his besties (because there is no way he could be apart from them this long!!) for ice cream. 

After eating ice cream we headed over to Nick's pizza to keep the celebration continuing with Grandma, Papa and Uncle Sean.

I know Blake is going to do great this year. I know that he is nervous and scared and trying to navigate this entire new world but he is a sweet and caring little boy who will not only do well but thrive. Love you little man!!!

Brooke's First Day of Preschool

I am not quite sure how it happened but somehow I was so focused on Blake going to Kindergarten that Brooke being an official preschooler was sort of surprising. She is getting so big and fierce and independent. I feel like she matures overnight. 

She is definitely coming into her own and will let you know her opinions (gets it from her Momma!). She is still our little tomboy. She wants nothing to do with dresses or cute girly clothes or princesses (her words "Mommy I don't like princesses!!). She wears all of Blake's old PJ's as her favorite outfits. She wants to play anything Blake (basically is Blake's shadow) is playing and is obsessed with iPhones. :) Brooke can spell/sing the letters of her name and has a great memory. She LOVES listening to music (Trolls soundtrack on repeat) and dancing. Her besties are: Ruth, Brooklyn and Piper. 

Love you Brookie Bean!!