Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fall Fun

Brooke was a trooper and spent a lot of time watching Blake play football

Brooke lost her first tooth!!

They turned against me....

Dad took them golfing 

I went on a girls trip to Lake Geneva 

We attended my cousin, Aaron's wedding 

Blake got creative 

We took lots of bike rides

Adelyn came to visit from Florida!

Blake is 8

For Blake's birthday he got to bring Mason and Brady to Urban Air and then have a sleepover. It might have been his favorite thing EVER!

On the morning of his birthday we had a family brunch and he got Packers gear (ugh) and cake and LEGO's. He was a happy kid. 

Blake's Flag Football

Blake wanted to try flag football this year for the first time and play with all of his favorite friends. We signed him up and we are so glad we did. He did AMAZING for his first time playing. He loved the game and learned so much and had a ton of fun. He is already looking forward to next year!

First Day of School

This summer marked our last day at Goddard after going there for 7 years. It was very bittersweet but this little girl was ready for Kindergarten!

Meet the teacher day and finding their lockers

Blake starting 2nd grade

Brooke starting Kindergarten

And they are off....

Our Summer Part 2

Blake and Brady loved spending the days together this summer at the Y. 

Before school started we took a last minute quick getaway to Chula Vista in the Wisconsin Dells.