Tuesday, September 28, 2010

MBA Countdown Checklist

This semester this is what stands between me and a MBA.

3 Tests
1 Midterm
1 Final
2 Papers (5-6 pagers)
4 Assignments (1-2 pagers)
1 Business Plan (LOTS of pages)

After last night I have been able to cross off 1 test. Tonight I will knock out another assignment. I still have a long way to go but I am getting there!

P.S. the Glee Britney episode is on tonight- get excited!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, that doesn't seem so bad. Looks like you planned it right to have a relatively smooth final semester.

    I haven't written a 5-6 page paper since college. Every. single. paper in grad school was over the 20 pg. mark. Obnoxious. I should have gotten an MBA...it would have taken a year less and I probably would get paid more than I do now :)
