Monday, November 15, 2010

You knew it was coming...

It is official!!
I am done with my MBA. Granted, I am not an official graduate since my grades won't be in until after Thanksgiving but still, I am pretty sure I passed.
I just wanted to give a big shout out to the following people who put up with me and my craziness these last three years:
1. LOUIS (he had to deal with most of it)
2. My parents (special thanks for letting us borrow your computer during finals week)
3. The In-Laws (they were always so nice and understanding)
4. My brothers- really they didn't do much but still they need a shoutout
5. My friends- sorry if sometimes I was a loser and couldn't hang out or had to leave early
Now I can finally get back to blogging about fun and exciting things! Woohoo!!