Sunday, April 1, 2012

Action Packed Weekend

Warning: This post contains pictures of other people besides Blake :)

This past weekend we had a lot going on. Friday night was Stephanie Bliese and Jeff Schwartz (fellow IWU alums) wedding. It was so nice to go out for the night, since with Blake that is a rare opportunity. 

Louis and I

Colleen and James

The Happy Couple

I love this picture

Classic Malic sandwich

The IWU pic (poor Colleen got yelled at by the photographer when trying to take this picture!)

Blake Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon we had a Hew Crew get together. We headed to Eskape for some bowling. It was nice to have the whole gang there: Dave, Amy, Katie, James, Colleen, Krista, Dan, Tony, Norek, Vanessa, Louis, Blake and me. 

Katie and Blake meeting. 

Blake and his girlfriend Colleen

Uncle James and Blake

Blake kept trying to eat the bowling ball

On Sunday we had some visitors. For lunch, Fruh came over to hang out. After lunch they needed to watch golf together. 

For dinner, David who is in town came out to Cary with James to meet Blake and catch up.


  1. Whew! I'm tired just thinking of that busy weekend. Such good "friend times" recorded in these fun pics. Blake watching golf really made me laugh. His expression & body language tells it all.

  2. Glad mommy & daddy got some much needed time out. You both looked fab... love that suit Louis
