Monday, November 12, 2012

Young House Love

Fair warning, this post contains no pictures of Blake.
As many of you probably know Katie and I have consistently had a monthly date since graduating college, that is 6 years strong now. For this month's date, we decided to make it a girls day out to go to the book signing of Young House Love. To give some background, Young House Love is a home decor, DIY, and lifestyle blog that we have been reading for a few years. Katie and I feel like we are friends with John and Sherry (the faces behind the website) so when they announced they were writing a book we were excited. Katie pre-ordered the book for me as a birthday gift and since they were making a stop in Chicago we decided to go meet our "friends".
Luckily Katie and I are type A personalities so we knew that due to their popularity we needed to get downtown early and have fun waiting in line. We timed it perfectly, we got front row FREE parking and we were inside waiting in line (which was perfect for Raegan and the fact that it started downpouring).
Raegan was such a trooper, honestly she was quite perfect the entire day. Kudos Raegan!!
The only time she was mildly upset is when Katie forced her to wear shoes, haha.
I am not loving how I look in this picture but because there aren't many Katie and Jenny pictures I feel obligated to share
Our Lunch, provided by West Elm
When John and Sherry first came out they did a mini talk, as luck would have it the talk was right in front of us.
Us meeting Sherry and John, they were super sweet and nice
I think Katie and I can officially say we are now BFF with John and Sherry
I am so glad that Katie, Raegan and I were able to have a great girls day and I see this as a start of a fun tradition. Eric, Louis and Blake can go golf, us girls are hitting up the spa!

1 comment:

  1. Did someone say spa?!?! Got to start Raegan young with the girlie traditions!
