Sunday, November 17, 2013

Best Friends

Our monthly Malic/Kramer date was finally getting to see Katie and Eric's new house. Blake was very excited to see Raegan and her "puppy". He talked about it the whole day! After naptime we headed down to Batavia. It worked out really well because after only a few minutes of warm up time, the kids were playing together and having a blast. 

Eric gave each of them flashlights and they thought playing in the shower was the greatest thing ever

Playing in Raegan's fort

Blake picked out Thanksgiving cookies to make at Katie's and they are enjoying the yummy treats

Overall the trip was a success the kids played great together (especially considering they are toddlers!) and the adults got to hang out. Although Katie and I didn't get enough chat time in!

Pretty soon there will be two more in the mix!!!


  1. They are really playing like best buddies. Great pictures. So cute.

  2. I love Blake's face in the first photo... so excited! And Raegan in the fort, so happy her main man was over!
