Thursday, August 28, 2014

Old School Jenny Pictures

When Brooke was first born everyone thought she looked like Louis. Now that she is getting a little bit older I am starting to see more and more of me in her. Yippee!! Last weekend I had to crawl to the back of the crawl space at my parent's house (Thanks Mom!) to find my baby pictures to make a good comparison. Here are some pictures of me!

I had to throw this one in here because 1) its adorable and 2) I am around Blake's age here

Thursday, August 21, 2014

More B&B Pictures

Last weekend we were outside playing with Blake's water table and of course that meant he had to strip down to his undies (he asked to take those off too but we convinced him to keep them on). He then grabbed his walking stick and played in the yard. He is so funny!!

Brooke is a social butterfly. She hates to sleep because she is worried she might miss something. Lately her and her friend Ruth (her teacher Ms Karyn's daughter) have just spent their days "talking" to each other

He is all boy lately. Bring on the legos, trucks, sports etc. He is loving all of it. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mostly B&B Pictures

I am often so grateful that we picked the perfect place to take our kids during the day. Goddard truly loves our kids. They have the best teachers and the activities they do with the kids never cease to amaze me!

The petting zoo came to school (plus it was water day!!)

Yep, 5 months old and finger painting!

Ms Tessa deserves a special shout out. She loved Blake from day one and equally loves Brooke! (She might even like Brooke more because she doesn't spit up all over her like Blake did). We love Tessa!!

Last weekend we also celebrated Weston's baptism. I had the amazing honor of being Weston's godmother. During the ceremony he did spit up all over when I was holding him but since I am a pro, I managed to keep it all off of me and mostly on the floor :) I did a terrible job of getting pictures but I am sure over the next 18 years I will get plenty of pictures in. Love you Kramer Family!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Brooke: 5 Months

How the heck is our little cutie 5 months old? She is still the sweetest thing ever. She is all smiles and loves watching her big brother. She is very long, and even growing out of some 9 month PJ's (she is still wearing all 6 month clothes). She is working on tooth #3. This past month she had two rode trips in the car and did great. Her eyes are still blue and her hair is getting very long and blonde. 
 Blake wanted in on the pictures

Louis HATES headbands so he immediately took it off of her and then Blake got silly with it

Blake at 5 months

Friday, August 1, 2014

4th Annual Malic/Kramer Wisconsin Dells Trip: Part 2

Since Brooke wasn't a fan of splashing in the water, we just had her hang out in her carrier to watch all the action

This picture is worth 1,000 words. They had one indoor tube ride that didn't have a height restriction. So I wanted to take Blake. Katie joined to see if it would be a good ride for Raegan. The ride was totally in the dark and it was fast. At the end you do a decent drop into the water. I leaned over Blake to protect him and Katie and I hit each other when we slammed into the water. Her teeth went right into my head. She was bleeding and I had a welt on my head. Needless to say, we didn't venture on anymore slides. Haha. Blake did not want to go back down. 

These kids could care less about water slides if there are ducks around to feed.

Blake was being really cranky and sucking his thumb so naturally I mocked him. He didn't seem amused.

The restaurant had an arcade attached so we hit up some of the things. Blake drove the bus with Daddy inside

Blake really wanted to ride on the Duck boats because they drive into the water. So we loaded up and went on the tour. 

It was really windy when we were driving on the roads so Louis used his hat to protect Brooke and she was so cute holding the hat and actually fell asleep. 

Brooke wasn't the only one who fell asleep. Blake fell asleep while we were floating on the water. He was out cold. At least he got to see the Duck drive into the water. 

He woke up just in time to take a picture when we got off the Duck

Despite Blake having the stomach flu the first day we were there and all the kids being on different schedules it was nice to spend some time together as a family and hang out with the Kramers. I love the our tradition of  our mini vacation together and can't wait to see how it evolves over the years.