Sunday, August 3, 2014

Brooke: 5 Months

How the heck is our little cutie 5 months old? She is still the sweetest thing ever. She is all smiles and loves watching her big brother. She is very long, and even growing out of some 9 month PJ's (she is still wearing all 6 month clothes). She is working on tooth #3. This past month she had two rode trips in the car and did great. Her eyes are still blue and her hair is getting very long and blonde. 
 Blake wanted in on the pictures

Louis HATES headbands so he immediately took it off of her and then Blake got silly with it

Blake at 5 months


  1. Blake in a bow reminds me of the Easter Bunny... I have no idea why.

  2. The kids are getting way too big. These are such fun pictures. Brooke is so social. She has such a constant entertainer in her brother, Blake.
