Thursday, January 29, 2015

Our Weekend

This past weekend we did a lot! On Saturday morning we had swim lessons and then ran some errands. In the evening we drove to Barrington to Pinstripes to celebrate my Mom's birthday. We rented a Bocce Ball court for an hour before having dinner. None of us had played Bocce Ball before and were excited. However, having two kids with us made it challenging to actually follow the rules while playing. I am super excited though because I think I found a sport that I can beat Louis at, YIPPEE!!!

Everyone getting ready to play!

Brother Sister Selfie

The Birthday Girl with her "babies"

Yep, another rare picture of Louis and I! 

Blake used the Bocce court as his personal playground and insisted on picking up all of the balls after we threw them.

Brooke just hanging out with Papa (he is protecting her from any runaway bocce balls)

After dinner Brooke fell asleep. I swear my Dad is the baby whisperer

On Sunday while my parents graciously offered to watch the kids, Louis got to work on painting the basement (we have a deadline of Brooke's birthday to get the basement done!!). This left Sean and I able to take the train into the city to see Melanie!!! She was in town for a work convention and had some free time on Sunday. We met her at the hotel (Adam was with her too) and we walked to Weber Grill for lunch. It was YUMMY! While it wasn't a lot of time together there were a lot of laughs (and inappropriate convo's) and it was nice to see her and get some time away from the kids. 

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of a fun weekend. Go Bocce ball, Jenny! Happy birthday to Barb!
