Monday, December 21, 2015


This post is just going to be a random photo dump of B&B from the last few weeks. Enjoy!!

That cheese face still gets me...too cute!

She is not a fan of her coat (takes after her brother!) so most days at school this is what they resort to.

This girl would wear a Minnie shirt every single day if we let her

Our Elf on the Shelf, Charlie, brought the kids gingerbread house kits

This kid is getting way too big!

One of the rare days when she wore the coat the right way

Oh look, its the Minnie shirt again....told ya!

He was proud of his fort he built

PJ day at school. He really wanted to wear his shorts but I insisted on pants to school. Side note: Blake only wears t-shirts and shorts at home. The rule is he has to wear pants outside of the house. Haha. He NEVER gets cold. 

1 comment:

  1. These are some fun pictures. So has the shopping cart replaced the lawn mower now that the grass isn't growing? Those two just get cuter & cuter every day!
