Where has the time gone? How is my little boy growing up too fast? On Monday he started his first day of Jr. Kindergarten at Goddard. We absolutely love their school and his new teacher, Ms. Hildebrandt is GREAT with the kids. I think she will really help prepare Blake for "big kid school".
Comparison between last year and this year!
I wanted to start the tradition of asking him some questions on the first day of school every year. So here is my interview with Blake (age 4)
Favorite color: blue
Favorite TV show: TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Favorite movie: Zootopia
Favorite food: Honey Nut
Cheerios (he was eating breakfast when I asked)
Favorite place to visit: Florida
(he has never been there so not sure why he picked that)
Favorite part about school: playing
sport: soccer
Favorite part of summer: playing
do you want to be when you grow up: work for money (ha, this cracks me up. He often says he wants to be a policeman but lately he knows you have to work to make money)
Favorite thing about Brooke:
playing with her
Favorite thing to do with
Mommy: play with big trucks and cars
Favorite thing to do with
Daddy: jump on him to wake him up (it really is hilarious to wake up Louis)
What one word describes you
the best: happy
After this I was done with the questions but he said he wanted to keep the interviewing going so I asked him some more!!
Who are your best friends: Adelyn,
Brady, Logan, Mason, all my friends
Favorite toy: Avengers toys (Hulk)
What do you think will be fun at Jr. K: Playing with Ms. Hildebrandt
What do you like to draw: Rhino and
Favorite Animal: Gorilla
Favorite Stuffed Animal: Brutus
Sooo cute! I love the idea of asking these questions and love his answers. Our Blake is growing up way too fast, but he's just getting better & better.