Brooke is a regular at the Lurie Children's ENT. When Brooke was a baby she got chronic ear infections so that led us down the path of getting tubes when she was 11 months and finding out she has some hearing loss in her right ear. Well when we were visiting the ENT in March for her annual ear check we mentioned to the ENT that Brooke snores, has trouble falling asleep, talks in her sleep a bit and seems tired only a few hours after waking up. The ENT checked her out and recommended an X-Ray to see her adenoids. After the X-Ray she determined that Brooke did have really enlarged adenoids and would be a candidate to have them shaved down (they don't remove adenoids anymore). Louis and I thought about it and waited a bit to see if this was something she would maybe grow out of. After sleeping in a bed with her for 3 nights in June on vacation and hearing how restless her sleep was we decided to pull the trigger. We didn't really tell Brooke much about what was going to happen other than the doctors were going to put her to sleep and look up inside her mouth and help her breathe better. She did amazingly well and much better than expected. She was very brave and didnt have a single tear shed before the procedure (they had to put her under and put a breathing tube and IV in during the 20 min surgery). The only time she was crying and upset was when she woke up but after a few cuddles with me she was OK. Such a trooper!!! So far we think the procedure might be working, we haven't heard any snoring and she seems to be a bit more rested.
All smiles before hand
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