Friday, August 15, 2014

Mostly B&B Pictures

I am often so grateful that we picked the perfect place to take our kids during the day. Goddard truly loves our kids. They have the best teachers and the activities they do with the kids never cease to amaze me!

The petting zoo came to school (plus it was water day!!)

Yep, 5 months old and finger painting!

Ms Tessa deserves a special shout out. She loved Blake from day one and equally loves Brooke! (She might even like Brooke more because she doesn't spit up all over her like Blake did). We love Tessa!!

Last weekend we also celebrated Weston's baptism. I had the amazing honor of being Weston's godmother. During the ceremony he did spit up all over when I was holding him but since I am a pro, I managed to keep it all off of me and mostly on the floor :) I did a terrible job of getting pictures but I am sure over the next 18 years I will get plenty of pictures in. Love you Kramer Family!!

1 comment:

  1. B & B are clearly thriving. Such cuties. Ms. Tessa has been there for a great start for each little one. Nice to see the Kramer family picture too. Nice posting!
