Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This is how much I love the 5 of you that read this blog, I have hit my free picture storage and had to pay to upgrade my space. So enjoy more pictures of the peanut!

As you can see from above Blake really enjoyed his Thanksgiving meal. Please note, he was wearing a shirt bib and I don't normally dress him in shiny red plastic outfits. 

I also wanted to take the opportunity to get some family pictures in while the weather was still nice. Blake was NOT having any of it. The first problem was that my Dad was outside and Blake is in love with my Dad so if he sees him and my Dad isn't holding him, it causes trouble. 

Finally, we asked my Dad to walk away because we weren't getting anywhere. Well, Blake decided he still didn't want to cooperate. He would rather play. Oh well.......

Luckily we managed one good picture but I am saving that for the Christmas card.

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