Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Roller Coaster Weather

I was naive. I thought that it was actually starting to become spring outside. Last week was great. We spent so much time outside and then yesterday, 1.5 inches of snow. SERIOUSLY???? Poor Blake must have asked 100 times to go to the park and run outside last night. He wants the spring weather back, after having been outside, inside is totally boring to him. 

Brooke falls asleep immediately when we take walks

What a cute little chunky face!!

I know Blake, outside is the best!!!

On Saturday Blake was loving being outside. Since it had rained earlier he was getting really muddy so he decided to strip down on the driveway. The neighbors probably think we are crazy....

Our little strawberry shortcake is wearing 3-6 month onesies.... she is so tall!!

1 comment:

  1. 6 weeks already! The family is just getting cuter & cuter; better & better. Great pictures. Brooke's smiling face & chubby cheeks is precious. She is super sweet. Blake is a blast. I hope the weather gets better & stays that way finally!
