Monday, July 9, 2012

Malic Update

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures this past week of Blake. Reason being, he is teething again. He is getting his two front teeth and was miserable yesterday. The amount of snot and drool and screaming was at an all time high. We had to leave the Gutzmer's party early yesterday and thank goodness we did because he had a royal meltdown. Teething is torture although I am not sure if its worse for him or us.

Here are some random updates about our life:

I got 4 books for my birthday (thanks Kathy), I already finished one and am working on another. Can someone tell me how I can get paid to read?

We go on our Malic/Kramer vacation in 3 weeks and I am pumped. Katie and I have already discussed matching outfits for Blake and Raegan.

Louis and I are trying to get back into some decent shape and have been doing workouts at home at night after Blake goes to bed. Please keep us on track!

I have already been planning Blake's first birthday party- a little crazy, maybe but it will be here before we know it!!!

James is in the process of buying a house so the month of August will include a lot of helping the bro-in-law

Blake tried to drink the pool water at his swim lesson on Saturday-- what a goof!!

That is all I can think of for now, I know, we are boring.

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