Thursday, May 19, 2011

I need a hobby

I have been given the same genes as my father and have the inability to just sit around. Especially in this crazy Chicagoland weather, I can't rely on having outside activities as hobbies. I love to read but I want another hobby that I could focus on as well that doesn't involve using a computer or watching TV etc. I know that once Baby Malic comes along, having several hobbies might be difficult to maintain but I think if I could find something now and stick with might just stick after the baby's arrival.

Mom, make sure you are sitting down...but I was thinking of maybe trying to learn how to sew. Crazy I know....but at least it would be a decent skill to have and would come in handy with a baby on the way. The best part is I could borrow my mom's sewing machine and try it out and if I don't like it..then I didn't really waste money on getting a machine.

I am willing to take any other suggestions but I am thinking that maybe sewing might be a good start.

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